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Cosmopolitan Arts is an organisation that is deeply committed to celebrating cultural diversity through the arts. Our mission is to go beyond mere acknowledgement and to create a space that fosters understanding and promotes social harmony, inclusion, and integration.


Our approach is not limited to creating art, but rather focused on crafting evocative experiences that resonate with individuals from all walks of life, even those who may not typically engage with the arts. We are intentional in taking our work to unconventional places and diverse communities, where we aim to positively shift perceptions and make a lasting impact on people’s lives. As artistic innovators, we are constantly at the cutting edge, incorporating new technologies and adopting a combined arts approach that pushes boundaries and delivers groundbreaking, exciting work.


At Cosmopolitan Arts, we believe in the transformative power of art to bridge gaps, inspire change, and create a more interconnected and harmonious society.


At Cosmopolitan Arts, our aim is to be inclusive and bring people together through the arts. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to engage in creative activities regardless of their background or circumstances. We are committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all members of our community.

Crowds at Cosmopolitan Arts Festival
Map Projection onto De Montfort Hall


Cosmopolitan Arts is dedicated to creating innovative projects that inspire and engage communities. We believe in the power of the arts to bring people together and promote social change. Our aim is to be ambitious with the work we create, in order to reach the widest possible audience and make a positive impact.


Through our work at Cosmopolitan Arts, we hope to inspire others to follow in our footsteps and create meaningful work that brings communities together. We are dedicated to promoting artistic expression, celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion. Join us in our mission to ignite and inspire creativity in all who share a passion for the arts.

Adrian Blisset teaching guitar for Cosmopolitan Arts
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